Caspi Cards is currently closed. We will be back after February 3, 2025. We are so sorry that we cannot complete or ship any orders before then. You are a valued customer, and we look forward to promptly completing your order once we reopen. Mickie & Eran at Caspi Cards
Bat Mitzvah Parasha Original Artwork by Mickie CaspiIn 1990, Mickie created a work of art as a birthday gift for her mother. To honor her mom, Mickie incorporated Thelma’s original Parasha (Vayeshev) in a setting filled with bold, reddish-pinkish flowers on a luxurious blue background. Thelma was an artist in her own right, creating huge canvases filled with bright colors, shapes and images. She was a woman ahead of her time, graduating from the Illinois Institute of Technology at a time when it was rare for women to aspire to such degrees. She worked as an architect and city planner, and was a devotee of Frank Lloyd Wright. She helped to design the house that Mickie grew up in – a house filled with art supplies and creativity. She helped inspire the spark in Mickie that has led to a life filled with art.
Original Artwork by Mickie Caspi, Jerusalem PomegranatesIn 1993, Mickie created a lavish work of original art filled with stars, pomegranates and a scene of Jerusalem. This Jerusalem Pomegranates Ketubah is an original watercolor illumination that showcases Mickie’s incredible control of the brush. The watercolor wash is exquisite and the fine details in the pomegranates and Jerusalem brings them to life.